Wednesday, 23 March 2011

EPF (KWSP) Retirees/Free Medical Facilities - What do they need to do?

Yesterday (22 March 2011) The Prime Minister, Dato' Sri Mohd. Najib, announced -

"Civil servants who retire under the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) scheme, and their dependants, are now eligible for the free medical facilities at government hospitals. "
"Civil servants on the EPF scheme, who are on a mandatory retirement or those who retire under Section 6A (6) of Act 227/239 are eligible for the facilities."
"These covered those who are on a mandatory retirement from the federal or state civil service or from the local government."

Consequently, the PSD has been providing SMS service to facilitate the registration process specifically for government pensioners under the EPF scheme. For further information please click the url below:  

p/s - Private sectors pensioners are not included.

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